A discounted rate is available for the event you are attending at Hilton Glasgow The rate is valid between 31st August and 4th September 2025 Full pre-payment at the time of booking, non-refund, non-changeable, non-transferable The preferential rates are subject to availability until 31/05/2025 or until it is sold out, whichever comes first The bedrooms rate includes buffet breakfast, Wi-Fi and prevailing VAT You can only reserve a maximum of 9 rooms at one time. Should you require more than 10 rooms, please reserve them in two or three blocks altogether Useful Information: Car Parking: £15.00 (discounted rate) per 24 hours for hotel residents. Hotel has 170 car parking spaces, first come first serve basis Check-in: 16:00 hrs Check-out: 11:00 hrs Smoking is illegal throughout the hotel We may apply a fixed penalty of £200 to your account in the event of this law being broken Coaches: Drop-off at main entrance is available; no coach parking spaces